A Historic Estate on the Banks of the Mississippi

Help Preserve the Past… Become a Member

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the Musser & Weyerhaeuser mansions date back over 120 years.

Your support, whether a financial contribution or a donation of your time, helps to offset the substantial cost of maintaining two large mansions as well as nine acres of lawn and gardens. Contributions are vital to the preservation of Linden Hill.  Cash and in-kind donations are fully tax deductible as the Friends of Linden Hill are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

You can help preserve Linden Hill Historic Estate

When you purchase a Friends of Linden Hill Membership you will be joining a growing, diligent group of caring citizens who believe in the cultural and social benefits of preserving this treasured landmark for generations to come.

Become a Member at Any Level

Youth (17 & under) – $10

Individual – $25

Family – $40

Contributor – $50

Professional – $100

Patron – $250

Sustaining – $500

Benefactor – $1,000

Membership Includes: Free admission to "Christmas at the Mansions," 10% off at the gift shop, newsletters and invitations to the various events held by the Friends of Linden Hill.


Business Memberships – Various Levels Available starting at $100

Show your business's support for Linden Hill and non-profit work in historic preservation, arts and cultural heritage and so much more by becoming an annual business member!